AUSSEN VI: variations on the multitude
for five voices
böse schichten (phantasmagorie)
for ensemble and tape
a black heart, the death of a friend and the end of a place
some lessons in falling apart
for oboe, clarinet, percussion, violin, cello and tapes Audio
come scorre la luce | a meditation on existence
for two harpsichords in quarter-tonal tuning, tapes, objects and fans View Score
studies in intimacy III: alone/plateaux
(vs. the inexhaustible variation)
for voice (mezzo-soprano) solo
band/linie/horizont III: cartography of some early mornings
for violin and tape(s), with an optional piano part View Score | Audio
15 Momente für WK
for piano solo View Score
notes on extinction
for solo acoustic guitar (in scordatura) View Score
die dinge ohne uns, ihre langsamkeit und die freiheit der menschen
(in musik) (h.m., m.m., s.z.) Audio
for ensemble, objects, tapes and image sequences
and briefly, a stable meaning
for viola solo
diachronic sound sculptures View Gallery | Audio | Youtube
for baroque violin, modern violin, baroque cello and modern cello
studies in intimacy II: the deep mirror Video
for violin and guitar
head chorale for piano trio View Score
framework us Video for two accordions and fixed media
What All This Could Be Youtube | Audio | View Gallery
a musical theatre / a theatrical musical performance for three voices, clarinet/bass clarinet and cello with objects, tapes, projections, a spatial installation and audience participation
Von einem Land, dem Fluss und den Seen
for choir SSAA with tape and handbells
die leere, die fülle View Score
for recorders/voice, percussion, objects and tapes
band / linie / horizont II: limited perspectives View Score
for piano solo (with optional tape)
arresting images - stereo / collage version Youtube | Buy CD
for harpsichord (in overlays)
arresting images Audio | View Score
(version for 4 harpsichords and 4-channel tape)
changing my emptiness Audio
for 4 channel tape / fixed media
AUSSEN V: storytelling Audio | Youtube
for soprano saxophone, clarinet, viola, doublebass, objects, projection and sample players
Elementartropismus oder: Der unbewegte Beweger
miniature piece for bass flute, bass clarinet and piano View Score
für 3 Audio | View Score
graphic scores for variable lineups
leben / lassen
for orchestra
band / linie / horizont If View Score
for piano, bass clarinet, radionoise and dictaphones
collapsing as critical strategy View Score | Notes
for piano solo
jolivetmaterial View Score
for clarinet, recorder, harpsichord, viola, percussion and objects
AUSSEN IV: quotidien, quotidienne Audio | View Score | Notes
for piano, string quintet, appliances and objects
ruinen, dialektische prozesse, semantik
for six Paetzold recorders, fixed media and fixed and found objects
dissoziativ weben I-III View Score
for voice solo or various voices
AUSSEN Audio | View Score | Notes
for Tenor dulcimer solo, appliances, dictaphone recordings and objects
AUSSEN II Audio | Video | View Score | Notes
for Soprano and clarinet, fixed media, appliances and objects
die rasterung der wirklichkeit am beispiel des lichts
for open ensemble View Score | Audio | Youtube
Why does my heart feel so bad (Moby, arr. Hannes Dufek)
high volatility
All you need is love (Beatles, arr. Hannes Dufek)
weil die dinge im fluss bleiben müssen (because things need to stay in flux)
for violin, clarinet, piano Audio | View Score
[version b: additional Soprano and ad lib.-player, three radios and cooling fans)
band, linie, horizont I (a-e) Audio | Video
for piano solo with optional radio and dictaphone layers
atem/felder. palimpseste/translationen Audio
for flute, clarinet, viola, violoncello and piano with dictaphone layers