Music for theatre
Die lächerliche Finsternis | The ridiculous gloom (90')
by Wolfram Lotz, for the stage production at Münchner Volkstheater under director Lukian Guttenbrunner
music and sound design by Hannes Dufek, for fixed media (four channel)
[WP (GER) 14.03.2019, Münchner Volkstheater] | View Trailer | Audio examples
Der Atlas der abgelegenen Inseln | Atlas of remote islands (75')
a performative / music theatre installation after Judith Schalansky's book
music and sound design by Hannes Dufek, for viola, clarinet, objects, loopers and fixed media
[WP (AT) 11.05.2017, Kulturhaus Dornbirn, Vorarlberg] | View Trailer | More Info | Three Islands (videos)
Wenn Herr Montag mit Frau Freitag | When Mr. Monday and Mrs. Friday...(40')
music theatre with puppetry by Birgit Kellner and Christian Schlechter, music and sound design by Hannes Dufek
[WP (AT) 24.03.2017, Wiener Konzerthaus, Schönbergsaal, Jeunesse "Music to touch"] | More Info
Major Dux (chamber version) (60')
for flute, clarinet, violin/viola, double-bass, piano and percussion
after Martin Baltscheit's book, with live-drawing by Birgit Kellner and narration by Michèle Rohrbach
[WP (AT) Wiener Konzerthaus, Berio-Saal, Jeunesse Concertino, 18.03.2017) | More Info
QUIET! The internal clamour. (45')
experimental theatre with improvised music for synthesizers, objects, cello, voices, piano, electric mini-fans and guitar strings
[WP (AT) Brick-5, 16.05.2016] | More Info / Picture Gallery
Wer die Welt zusammenhält | Who keeps the world together (50')
sound design for a stereo or spatial environment
[WP (AT) Dschungel Wien, 04.04.2016] | View Trailer | More Info
Vom Leben und all dem | Life and everything (50')
for clarinet/bass clarinet/Soprano saxophone/Baritone saxophone, trumpet/flugelhorn, trombone, piano, doublebass, percussion, guitar/melodica, children's voices and choir
Lyrics by Simon Dietersdorfer
[WP (AT) Carinthischer Sommer 2015, 25.07.2015]
Vom kleinen Maulwurf, der wissen wollte, wer ihm auf den Kopf gemacht hat |
The story of the little mole who knew it was none of his business (45')
after Wolf Erlbruch's book, for two musicians with many instruments and two stage performers
Lyrics by Peter Ahorner
[WP (AT) Wien modern 2014, Dschungel Wien modern, 07.11.2014] | View Trailer | More Info
I Sing The Body Electric (45')
adaption of Charles Bukowskis poems by Claire Blake
devised improvisations and sound design by Hannes Dufek, for an ensemble of six musicians, three performers and choir
[WP (AT) Mo.e Vienna, 04.05.2014] | View Full Show (London, Tête-à-tête Festival 2015) | More Info
Major Dux (orchestral version) (50')
after Martin Baltscheit's book, with live drawing by Birgit Kellner and narration by Simon Dietersdorfer. For orchestra, with music by Hannes Dufek and selections from George Gerswhin's "Porgy and Bess Suite"
[WP (AT) Festspielhaus St. Pölten, Tonkünstler Niederösterreich / Mancusi, 20.03.2013] | Impressions
Supernova (75')
an adaption of the graphic novel "Black Hole" by Charles Burns, live music and installation-based sound design by Hannes Dufek in collaboration with Simon Dietersdorfer and Patrick Stürböth
[WP (AT) SZENE BUNTE WÄHNE Theaterfestival, 26.09.2013] | View Trailer | More Info
Sturmkind | Stormchild (60')
after Finnegan Kruckemeyers play "Boats", for Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor, various voices, violin, clarinet, tuba/trombone, percussion, three melodicas
Lyrics by Wendi Gessner and Hannes Dufek
[WP (GER) Oldenburgisches Staatstheater, 07.11.2012] | View Trailer | More Info/Announcement
Momo oder die Legende vom JETZT | Momo or the Legend of NOW (60')
after Michael Ende's book, for Soprano solo and five voices, clarinet, viola, accordeon, ukulele, tapes and radionoise
Lyrics by Albert Farkas and Simon Dietersdorfer
[WP (AT) Wien modern 2011, Dschungel Wien modern, 11.11.2011] | View Trailer