Hannes Dufek, born in 1984 in Vienna (Austria), is a composer, improviser and organiser in the field of new music.
In his work, he confronts the reality and the possibilites of writing and doing music, being and becoming human, exploring and expressing the imagination. Parallel use of different semantic and cross-medial layers, fragmentary or non-hierarchical processes of formation, the deliberate yielding of vital formal or structural decisions to others (the performers, the audience) are important aspects of his composing. Producing sound is a mainly and primarily social and socially emergent form of expression. Music, or organised sound, is both an image and an anticipation of a possible, palpable Utopia. The aestethic and technical means applied in composition serve to create space and openings in an otherwise fully structured reality.
Various compositions have been performed internationally and received both critical and public recognition, his work has been awarded with prizes, grants and honorary mentions. He holds both Mag. art (MDW, 2012) and Dr. art. degrees (KUG, 2019). As of 2023, he is also a lecturer at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (MDW).
Hannes Dufek is a father to two sons and lives and works in Vienna, Austria.