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Feb 27th (Vienna) and 28th (Graz): Cantando Admont: ANRUFUNG

19:30 Ehrbar Saal, Vienna, 19:30 Kultursalon Graz
The vocal concert programme will be supplemented with my piece band / linie / horizont I, for piano,
three dictaphones and radionoise

Jan Satler, piano, dictaphones, radionoise


Jan 25th & Jan 27th: Re-staging of diachronic sound sculptures (2021)

The 70-odd minute piece, a monument to the inaudible, the inexhaustible, the silent and the imaginary, will be presented two more times. I am very excited and super happy!

Jan. 25th, 2024, 19:30 at REAKTOR, Vienna
Jan. 27th, 2024, 18:00, at KULTUM, Graz


Jan 24th, 19:00 Alte Schmiede / Vienna: World-premiere of band/linie/horizont III: cartography of some early mornings (2023)

Commissioned by Musikwerkstatt Alte Schmiede for Duo Oxymoron, Eirini Krikoni, Violin and Kimiko Krutz, Piano, alongside new pieces by M. Markus, M. Schmidhammer, Y. Huang, D. Procopiuc and music by G. Resch, R. Valenzuela and B. Zumpfe

Alte Schmiede, Schönlaterngasse 9, 1010 Vienna


Nov 1st, 2023: Ein Fest für Werner Korn (1951-2023) - World Premiere of "15 Momente für WK" (2023), for piano solo

A great friend and power in the field of New Music sadly passed away. In commemorating this wonderful human, an evening of celebration and music at Echoraum.

Echoraum, Sechshauser Straße 66, 1150 Vienna


New commissions for 2024! Cantando Admont (AT), Empyrean Ensemble (USA), Phidias Trio Tokyo (JPN)

Exciting new works coming up! "variations on the multitude" for Cantando Admont, "a black heart, the death of a friend, and the end of a place" for Empyrean Ensemble, and "your presence is also weight" for Phidias Trio Tokyo - premieres all in late 2024

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